Tag: Pest Management

New York State School Boards Association Opposes the Foley Bill

 S.4983-C (Foley) A.7937-C (Englebright) Senate Calendar330 Assembly 3rd Reading  AN ACT to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to prohibit the use of certain toxic chemicals for law and grounds maintenance On behalf of nearly 700 school districts and 5,000 locally elected school officials, the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA) OPPOSES S.4983-A/A.7937-A.  … Continued

IPM 101: Pest Management in Schools

Dr. John Stier, Environmental Turfgrass Extension Specialist, Professor and Chair of the Dept. Horticulture-University of Wisconsin, Madison. As schools begin their “spring” semesters (in unusually cold temperatures in many places), administrations will begin preparing for warmer weather and the many bugs and creatures that come to life with it. Many schools use Integrated Pest Management to protect … Continued

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