Tag: Pest Management

Day 4: Clean

Today is Day 4 of NIAP week, and we’re talking about the integral role that maintaining a Clean home and lawn plays in discouraging pests from calling their home yours. This fall, be sure to Clean out sheds and garages, rake fallen leaves, and trim shrubbery to eliminate hiding places for these unwanted guests. Watch … Continued

Day 3: Eliminate

As NIAP Week continues, we’re sharing ways to Eliminate the pests on your property on Day 3. Start by blocking pests’ access points into your home. Use caulk and concrete to repair all cracks and crevices you spot, and Eliminate the food, water, and shelter that may attract uninvited guests. This means storing food and … Continued

Day 2: Study and Prepare

On Day 2 of NIAP Week, we’re discussing the importance of Studying pests in your area and Preparing to resolve your pest problems. By studying-up on common pests in your area and the damage they can cause, you will equip yourself with the knowledge you need to recognize any warning signs during your inspection. After … Continued

Day 1: INspect

This year’s National Inspect and Protect Week (October 14-18) is focused on protecting and proactively preparing your lawn for spring – but it’s important to take care of the inside and perimeter of your home, too. This in mind, we’ll be sharing tips that align with the easy-to-remember mantra, INSPECT (INvestigate, Study, Prepare, Eliminate, Clean … Continued

Kickoff to National Inspect & Protect Week

National Inspect and Protect Week (NIAP) is a week dedicated to educating homeowners about the importance of protecting their homes and outdoor spaces from potentially harmful pests. During the week of October 14-18, RISE (Responsible Industry for Sound Environment)® will be equipping homeowners with key steps to ensure a healthy home, as well as takeaway … Continued

Educators Ready to Welcome Students, but not Pests Back to School

While schools are eager to welcome back students this fall, they are already working to create an unwelcome environment for insects, rodents, weeds, and other pests. As allergens from rodents like cockroaches are a significant cause of asthma in children[i], and bites from insects like ticks carry disease[ii], a strategic approach to managing pests is … Continued

The New York Times on Mosquito and Tick Control

Recently, the New York Times published an article on effective methods to control mosquitoes and ticks that cause West Nile virus and Lyme disease. This information is more important than ever as we are coming off the heels of the worst year ever for West Nile virus (claiming 286 lives), and as Lyme disease was … Continued

Planning for the Perfect Picnic this July

July is National Picnic Month and a great time to combine family, friends, and food with outdoor games and sunshine.  Whether it’s hosting an impromptu picnic in the backyard or taking sandwiches to the kid’s ballgame, picnics create memories that will last a lifetime. But the recipe for a successful picnic doesn’t end there. It … Continued

Trivia Thursday: Crazy Ants: Have you spotted this new species near you?

The evening sun and damp conditions are two things we expect to attract pests to a late-day picnic or evening ballgame, but chances are, you haven’t considered mobile devices attracting unwanted pests. We now turn our attention toward the new pest invading the U.S. It’s currently most common in the southern states and threatening America’s … Continued

Celebrating Father’s Day

This weekend, enjoy your Father’s Day celebration outdoors.  One of the best ways to spend time with family and friends is to take part in outdoor activities like barbecuing, ball games, or simply kicking back in the shade.  Almost synonymous to outdoor fun are outdoor pests like mosquitoes, ticks, wasps and pesky flies. With Father’s … Continued

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