Category: Health

2011 Inspect and Protect Week is October 3-7

Debug the Myths and RISE announce the second annual National Inspect and Protect Week, October 3-7, a week dedicated to helping homeowners better understand how to protect their homes, lawns and communities from insects, rodents and weeds that cause health problems and property damage. Leading up to National Inspect and Protect Week, our blog will … Continued

Protect your family from tick transmitted deadly virus

Are you a local of Minnesota? A fan of being outdoors? Prone to tick bites? Make sure you know all the necessary information about diseases and illnesses cause by ticks before heading outdoors, including the Powassan virus. The Minnesota Department of Health announced a death related to the Powassan virus which is carried by ticks, on Wednesday, … Continued

Step four: Don’t forget the bug spray!

 If you’re prone to frequent mosquito bites, then you may be familiar with The Five D’s step number four: defend yourself with an effective mosquito repellent. Using a mosquito repellent is an effective and safe way to keep mosquitoes away when working and playing outdoors. When selecting a mosquito repellent you should keep a few … Continued

Step three: Dressing right for mosquito control

Tired of having itchy mosquito bites all over your legs and arms? The clothes you wear during your time outdoors plays a role in the number of mosquitoes you’ll come across. The third step in The Five D’s is to DRESS appropriately in long sleeves and pants. While you may be tempted to beat the … Continued

The Five D’s of a mosquito free yard. Step two: Avoid Dawn & Dusk

Keeping your family safe from mosquitoes could be as simple as knowing when and when not to play in your lawn and garden. The second step of The Five D’s is avoid DAWN and DUSK. Mosquitoes tend to thrive in the cooler weather of early mornings and late evenings, making these good times to avoid … Continued

Want a mosquito free yard? Step one: Drain all standing water

Want a mosquito-free yard? Step one: Drain all standing water The time is here! This week we’re recognizing American Mosquito Control Association’s National Mosquito Control Week.  Each day this week we’ll be posting one step you can take for better mosquito control. By the end of the week, you’ll have “The Five D’s” – of … Continued

Team Up to Clean Up – The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Sacramento

Debug the West has officially begun. First stop, the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Sacramento!  On Friday, June 10, RISE teamed up with local landscaper, John Williams from Terra Care & Associates and local vector control specialist, Luz Maria Rodriguez from the Sacramento Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District, to help members of the … Continued

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