Ambassador Resources
Welcome to the RISE Ambassador page. The resources below answer common questions people have about pollinators, Zika, and mosquito prevention for specific occupations such as nursery growers. If you would like to see additional information, please contact, and we will get back to you.
IPM Messages
What is Integrated Pest Management, and why are pesticides an important aspect of IPM?
Download herePollinator FAQ
Become familiar with common themes in discussions about bee health, and for answering frequent questions in a simple, relatable way.
Download hereZika Fact Sheet
Answers to your questions about the Zika virus, the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and how to prevent Zika by preventing mosquito bites.
Download hereKey Terms to Understanding Zika
Common terms used when describing the Zika virus and how we control the mosquito population.
Download hereZika Fact Sheet for Lawncare Professionals
Helpful information for lawncare professionals on a wide variety of topics ranging from aeration to tick control.
Download hereZika and Nursery Growers
Prevent Zika during the peak mosquito season by following these tips every time you head outdoors this summer.
Download hereZika Omnibus press release
How people are taking simple, but not extreme, steps to protect against Zika.
Download hereTraveling Amid the Zika Virus
Planning on traveling somewhere tropical? Whether your destination is domestic or abroad, check out these tips on how to prevent Zika while traveling.
Download hereTreating Your Lawn
Know how to control mosquitoes in your home, yard, and community with these tips.
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