Luncheon focused on the importance of having access to all the tools in the toolbox

BOSTON, Mass. (February 10, 2014) – Last week, RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment)® hosted a Debug the Myths luncheon for green industry members that focused on grassroots engagement and education around challenges and opportunities for the upcoming year. Hosting the member luncheon during New England Grows, one of the largest and most popular horticultural and green industry events in the Northeast, gave RISE and industry leaders an opportunity to connect before the growing season ramps up. New England Grows was held February 5-7 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.
“Participating in New England Grows is an excellent way for us to collaborate with professionals in our industry and prompt discussion on the latest trends and business needs,” said Karen Reardon, vice president, public affairs, at RISE. “Our conversations tend to come back to the basic fact that inputs are important, technology-based tools in the toolbox of green industry professionals for keeping our families, homes and lawns healthy and safe.”
At the luncheon, members were able to network and discuss issues affecting the fertilizer and pesticide industries. Reardon provided research-tested examples on consumer perceptions and informed members of resources available to help educate the public.
RISE also sponsored a booth at the trade show, distributing educational materials, including Debug the Myth t-shirts, insect repellant, “tick check” cards, children’s books about insects and weeds, and posters of New England’s invasive species designed to build awareness among attendees of the importance of mitigating pest risks where they live and play. RISE’s Debug the Myths program aims to educate the community specifically about the strategic use of pesticide products for providing effective, reliable solutions to prevent and eradicate pest populations that cause disease and harm.

About RISE
Located in Washington, D.C., RISE is the national association representing the manufacturers, formulators, distributors and other industry leaders involved with pesticide and fertilizer products used by professionals and consumers. Learn more about RISE at or on Twitter at @DebugTheMyths.